They Eloped!


This couple did something unique, and I loved it so I wanted to blog it.

It’s my blog, so I am gonna do it 😂

These two went and eloped, and told no one. When they were ready to announce that they were married, they did a photoshoot to let people know.

They didn’t wear wedding clothes, they just used the client closet. But they got beautiful photos and were able to let their friends know they were married, without having to deal with “but i didn’t get invited!” “I wish I would have been told” Because, they are already married!

It’s like when you are telling people your babies soon to be name, while you are pregnant, and people go “oh I don’t like that name” If you tell no one, and just say “hey this is So and so” They wouldn’t ever say “oh I don’t like that name” because its already done. If they say anything like that, it just makes them look bad lol.

So let them carry that annoying stuff, you just focus on what’s most important. Your love!