Desert Anniversary session.


“We’re awkward and you need to pose us completely!”
what I hear at every. Single. Photoshoot with any new clients.

I always think it’s so funny lol. It’s been my experience that people that label themselves “awkward people” end up having the best galleries. They haven’t been photographed a lot so they haven’t picked up bad habits. That’s what I love. I love being able to pose you and do my specific prompts to get you into the motion and poses I want without hearing “well in our last session we did this, and I always need to pose like this.” It’s great if you know your good angles, I love that. But having a client that lets me bar artistic freedom with their shoot, they normally end up getting the better gallery honestly.

Its the “awkward people” that are normally so adorably in love that I can try new ideas and new prompts on them, because they are just all over each other so it makes the new ideas pan out way better! Lol

All in all to say, be goofy, be playful, be awkward, just be yourself, it will get you the best photos (and I am willing to bet you aren’t awkward in any of them 😘)


Ashley Maura